Saturday, September 2, 2017

Feedback Thoughts

As I read Using Harsh Feedback to Fuel Your Career by William Treseder and Why rejection hurts so much-and what to do about it by Guy Winch, I understood how feedback really changes the way a person receives it. Most of us love positive feedbacks, but when we get negative feedback we feel aggressive or attacked. It is common to feel such way at the beginning. Treseder shows us how to take in the negative feedback and use it for the growth. First thing a person should do is Embrace the emotions you feel when you receive the feedback, then think about it calmly to see how it could benefit you, and then commit to the changes you have to make. I like how Winch also explained in his article of why rejection hurts us so much. It was an interesting read especially since we all face rejection, whether it is our personal relationships or professional. He says not to over criticize yourself, boost your self-worth by making lists of things that you have to offer and to boost feelings of social connections. However, I do not think that it works all the time. I think if you criticize yourself, then it helps you to work harder. It makes you want to change, whatever the thing you have been critiqued on. Boosting your self esteem defiantly does help you from hurting, but you have to think that pain is temporary and growth is forever. It does hurt when someone makes a negative comment on you, especially when it comes from your loved ones, but if you do not improve then what is the point of making a list of all the qualities you have to offer. The pain is going to hurt, but if  you work on your weaknesses it will only help you grow and get further in life. Lastly, he talks about making social connections when you feel left out, like if you are not invited to an event that most of your friends are invited to, go with other group of people to different events. As humans I agree that we all do have a need "to belong"whether that's with friends, colleagues, or family. However, we are not always guaranteed that especially if the person is anti-social or if they only have few friends. We do feel neglected when the closest to us deceives us, but to solve that I think you should distract yourself from hurting by picking up different hobbies, that can help you improve. Calmly examine the situation to see if it's worth fixing it and just try making new friendships by joining different clubs.
Positive outlook on negative comments 
Image: Cheezburger

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Urvi! I actually felt really inspired as I read your thoughts on giving feedback. Usually, I am a person who sometimes struggles with tolerating feedback, but reading your thoughts on it has shown me that perhaps self-feedback is a way for me to get better at any task at hand. I think that the more feedback one receives, the better they are able to handle it, so if a lot of feedback that you receive is from yourself, then you may be better equipped to handle feedback from others.


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